Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our funny girl Emma

So I feel like my life is boring. I don't have much to post about. This is the last week of summer and I am burned out. It will be nice to have a little more free time and have the kids back in school for a while. Hopefully it will give me a little more time to work on Emmie Cakes.

So I was thinking about what I would write and I thought of something funny that Emma said the other night that made us all laugh. She had on a BYU shirt and was saying how she loved BYU, so I asked her if she knew what BYU was and she said no. So I proceeded to tell her that it is a college and that Mom and Dad met while we were going to school there. She then asked me if Dad thought I was cute when he first met me and I told her to ask him. So she turned to Justin and said, "Dad when you first met Mom, did you think she was hot?" We all busted up that this almost 5 year old would ask such a funny question. She is always cracking us up. She says the funniest things and is always making funny faces.


  1. Okay, I still can't get over how much Cate and Emma look alike!

  2. she is SO cute! I think she looks VERY much like Maggie!! (and yes, a bit like Cate, too!). I can't believe she's FIVE...I still think of her as being a cute little baby. :)

  3. I loved those pictures Tina.
    She's a cutie for sure.

  4. It was good to meet you tina.. I loved your house.. amazing.. the wall above your "lockers" was awesome I may copy that.. and those jars of candy.. I almost bought one of those jars to bring home but my girls were like, mom, we'd just eat the candy.. true.. true..

    anyway.. I would send you an invite to my blog if I had your email.. I will ask cami
    cute blog.. love the emmie cakes logo.. too cute.. we'll have to try to make it to your show in maple valley..
